CO2e évité par an
Durée en années
Biochar is the lightweight black residue produced through the process of pyrolysis: which involves heating biomass (recently living organisms that are dead) in the absence of oxygen. When mixed with compost and soil, it helps retain carbon from the plants. As a highly stable form of carbon, Biochar sequesters carbon in the soil for several hundreds even thousands of years.
Biochar also contributes to soil improvement: it can improve soil fertility by increasing nutrient and water retention, and reducing soil acidity, thus can also improve the production level of cropland. Besides, Biochar also improves waste management as it can be produced from a wide variety of organic waste materials, including agricultural waste, forestry waste, and even household waste.
By a conservative estimation in 2019, biochar could deliver a mitigation potential of 1 Gt CO2 per year by 2050. A 2021 review estimated potential CO2 removal from 1.6 to 3.2 billion tonnes per year.
Biochar is most commonly applied to soil, construction, industry, and feed additives for livestock.
Puro.earth is the world’s leading carbon crediting program for biochar projects. In addition, Verra also has its biochar methodology (VM0044 Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications), which sets out procedures for quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from producing biochar and using it in approved soil and non-soil applications.